Saturday 24 January 2009

Even more Land Ironclads released


Hey, we're on a roll here ... (a Jam and Cream one, for Brigade aficianados !)

Four more new Land Ironclad models this weekend ... well, contraptions anyway.

Both the Brits and Germans get a turreted Contraption (tank) and a troop carrier too.
Four new packs, all priced at £1.75 for eight models.

In addition, there's a battalion pack for each side - £13 for the British one and £13.50 for the Germans, reflecting the organisations in the rulebook.

Have a good weekend

Welcome news indeed chaps, but why does this happen right after I've made an order...again!

1 comment:

Daniel said...

I have to admit I keep trying to like these, but I do not. Most feel wrong somewho. Not sure why, but I think it is the scale and size of these things. I like the idea of landships like those found on the Major General's website. You know, large psudo tanks. But these building sized things, somehow I just can't get my head around them. :-(

Oh well. My loss I figure.


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